Image adjectives: Fierce, imposing, heroic, determined. Shot type: Medium shot. Subject/Character: Glorfindel, one of the greatest elven warriors. Pose details: In the heat of battle,
Glorfindel stands with his legs apart for balance and his body slightly turned as he prepares to attack with his sword. His sword is raised,
shining with an ethereal light,
while his other hand is extended with a white dagger. Physical details: his golden hair flows wildly around him,
catching the light of the raging fires of Mordor. His eyes are fierce, filled with the determination and concentration of a seasoned warrior. Sweat and dirt run down his face.
but his expression remains firm and he wears golden armor from his chest to his feet that does not allow his skin to be seen and underneath the armor he has a black cloth.
Clothing: She wears gleaming golden armor that reflects the chaos of battle, with intricate elven carvings that appear to glow. her cape,
Although tattered by combat, it still waves behind him like a banner. Her boots are covered with the dark mud of Mordor,
and her belt fits several pouches and a dagger for hand-to-hand combat. Location: On the shores of a volcano with a thousand orcs.

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