high quality, 8K Ultra HD, high detail, Watercolor, wash technique, colorful, smudge outline, like a fairy tale.
(The Witch's Cottage)(Scene)Within the confines of an extraordinary chamber, an air of enchantment permeates the very atmosphere. 
A colossal floor-to-ceiling window, its frame crafted from polished moonstone, dominates one wall. The walls, adorned with intricate tapestries woven with threads of shimmering moonlight, seem to pulse with an otherworldly energy.
(A beautiful young witch)
From the depths of this ethereal gateway, a figure emerges, her presence radiating an aura of mystical power. A beautiful young witch in a gown of shimmering starlight, steps gracefully through the enchanted doorway. 

With a flick of her wrist, Meli conjures a cascade of shimmering orbs, their glow illuminating the room with an otherworldly radiance.
Meli, the sorceress of this enchanted realm, stands as a testament to the boundless power of imagination.
Resulting in a visually captivating juxtaposition, awesome full color, more detail XL., scenery

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