A serene fantasy realm: a woman sits poised on a lush, verdant floating island, surrounded by wispy clouds and a backdrop of radiant, shimmering mist. Her slender fingers gently cradle a delicate butterfly with iridescent wings, as it perches upon her palm. Soft, ethereal light illuminates the scene, casting no shadows to mar the tranquility. The composition is balanced, with the woman's gentle pose and the butterfly's gentle flutter creating a sense of harmony.,Architectural100,on parchment

A serene fantasy realm: a woman sits poised on a lush, verdant floating island, surrounded by wispy clouds and a backdrop of radiant, shimmering mist. Her slender fingers gently cradle a delicate butterfly with iridescent wings, as it perches upon her palm. Soft, ethereal light illuminates the scene, casting no shadows to mar the tranquility. The composition is balanced, with the woman's gentle pose and the butterfly's gentle flutter creating a sense of harmony.,Architectural100,on parchment

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