A mystical scene unfolds under the starry night sky. A majestic unicorn, its coat aglow with a soft, ethereal light, stands amidst a lush meadow of emerald grass. Tall trees, their branches silhouetted against the celestial canvas, provide a sense of depth and mystery. The unicorn's wings, delicate and feathery, spread wide as if ready to take flight, while the star-studded sky above serves as a breathtaking backdrop. In the distance, a gentle hill rolls out, disappearing into the darkness. Watermark-like, a subtle glow emanates from the unicorn's presence, infusing the atmosphere with an otherworldly essence.,neon,stworki,style,DonMW15pXL

A mystical scene unfolds under the starry night sky. A majestic unicorn, its coat aglow with a soft, ethereal light, stands amidst a lush meadow of emerald grass. Tall trees, their branches silhouetted against the celestial canvas, provide a sense of depth and mystery. The unicorn's wings, delicate and feathery, spread wide as if ready to take flight, while the star-studded sky above serves as a breathtaking backdrop. In the distance, a gentle hill rolls out, disappearing into the darkness. Watermark-like, a subtle glow emanates from the unicorn's presence, infusing the atmosphere with an otherworldly essence.,neon,stworki,style,DonMW15pXL

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