A dashing young prince strides confidently through the opulent halls of a luxurious fantasy palace, his warm smile and bright red eyes shining like beacons in the sunny day. His elegant attire, complete with white long-sleeve shirt, white pants, white military blazer, black gloves, and golden cloth shoulder pads, accentuates his chiseled features and masculine appearance. The tidy hair style adds to his neat and refined look. As he walks, sun rays dance across the majestic background, highlighting every detail of his stunning visage.

A dashing young prince strides confidently through the opulent halls of a luxurious fantasy palace, his warm smile and bright red eyes shining like beacons in the sunny day. His elegant attire, complete with white long-sleeve shirt, white pants, white military blazer, black gloves, and golden cloth shoulder pads, accentuates his chiseled features and masculine appearance. The tidy hair style adds to his neat and refined look. As he walks, sun rays dance across the majestic background, highlighting every detail of his stunning visage.

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