A young mage of Aqshy stands confidently amidst swirling flames in the ruined city of Mordheim. He has fiery red hair that matches the intensity of his spellcasting. His eyes glow with an inner fire, reflecting the power of the Red Wind of Magic. Dressed in a crimson robe adorned with intricate flame patterns, he holds a staff topped with a blazing ruby. Around him, the air shimmers with heat, and embers float like fiery snowflakes. The crumbling buildings and dark, twisted alleys of Mordheim form a haunting backdrop, with shadows cast by the flickering flames. His expression is a mix of determination and focus, ready to unleash the destructive power of Aqshy amidst the chaos and danger of the city., perfect hands, (detailed face, detailed skin texture, area lighting, HD, 8k, best illumination, ((full_body)), (medieval backgound), Dark_Mediaval,oil painting

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