Generate hyper realistic image of a woman with an eye-catching and striking appearance. She has has long, flowing hair in a vivid purple shade, which cascades down her shoulders and back. She has a confident and composed expression, with makeup that accentuates her eyes and lips. Her eye makeup is dark and dramatic, She is wearing cross earrings and other ear piercings. She is wearing a white crop top that reveals her midriff, highlighting more tattoos on her chest and stomach. Over the crop top, she has a white jacket, worn open, which contrasts with her dark and vibrant hair and tattoos. The lighting casts a pink glow on her, enhancing the vividness of her hair and the details of her tattoos.

Generate hyper realistic image of a woman with an eye-catching and striking appearance. She has has long, flowing hair in a vivid purple shade, which cascades down her shoulders and back. She has a confident and composed expression, with makeup that accentuates her eyes and lips. Her eye makeup is dark and dramatic, She is wearing cross earrings and other ear piercings. She is wearing a white crop top that reveals her midriff, highlighting more tattoos on her chest and stomach. Over the crop top, she has a white jacket, worn open, which contrasts with her dark and vibrant hair and tattoos. The lighting casts a pink glow on her, enhancing the vividness of her hair and the details of her tattoos.

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