A majestic, velvety purple flower blooms beneath the radiant glow of a full moon, its delicate petals illuminated by the soft, lunar light. The surrounding open field stretches out in a serene, photorealistic expanse, with the distant landscape fading into a gentle haze. The camera captures this breathtaking scene from a far-away perspective, emphasizing the flower's solitary beauty against the vast, starry night sky.

A majestic, velvety purple flower blooms beneath the radiant glow of a full moon, its delicate petals illuminated by the soft, lunar light. The surrounding open field stretches out in a serene, photorealistic expanse, with the distant landscape fading into a gentle haze. The camera captures this breathtaking scene from a far-away perspective, emphasizing the flower's solitary beauty against the vast, starry night sky.

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