
A captivating and vibrant scene of three young women in a magical, nature-filled world. One woman has long, split hair that is dyed black and white, wearing a pastel purple puffy short dress with a white heart and see-through puffy sleeves. She sports white socks and white and pink shoes. The second woman, with long green hair and fairy wings, wears an identical dress in pink, and goes barefoot. The third woman wears a pastel blue dress, hugging a stuffed bear, and wears short lace socks but no shoes. The trio is seated, surrounded by lush nature, with a massive circular portal of light behind them. Nearby, there's a pink lunchbox with a rainbow design, an abandoned pink bus, and a neglected carousel horse covered in moss and sunlight. The overall atmosphere is cinematic, with a blend of fashion, cinematic, fashion, vibrant, photo

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