Softly lit, a whimsical illustration unfolds on worn beige paper. A tiny hummingbird with iridescent feathers in shades of orange, purple, and pink hovers before a majestic blue flower, its petals gently curled. The bird's beak dips into the flower's center as it whispers Thank You with delicate wings spread. Framed by a subtle white border, this charming scene exudes warmth and gratitude.

Softly lit, a whimsical illustration unfolds on worn beige paper. A tiny hummingbird with iridescent feathers in shades of orange, purple, and pink hovers before a majestic blue flower, its petals gently curled. The bird's beak dips into the flower's center as it whispers Thank You with delicate wings spread. Framed by a subtle white border, this charming scene exudes warmth and gratitude.

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