A surreal landscape unfolds as a female guardian figure emerges, crafted from entwined branches and vibrant moss that radiates an ethereal glow. The curvaceous being, composed of gnarled wood and luminescent foliage, stands vigilant over a secluded clearing. Emerald flames flicker within their eyes, casting an otherworldly aura upon the surroundings. Framed by ancient tree trunks, the scene is bathed in warm, golden light that filters through the leafy canopy above.

 A surreal landscape unfolds as a female guardian figure emerges, crafted from entwined branches and vibrant moss that radiates an ethereal glow. The curvaceous being, composed of gnarled wood and luminescent foliage, stands vigilant over a secluded clearing. Emerald flames flicker within their eyes, casting an otherworldly aura upon the surroundings. Framed by ancient tree trunks, the scene is bathed in warm, golden light that filters through the leafy canopy above.

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