Clean Cartoon-brushstrokes Painting, crisp, simple, colored_lineart_illustration style, 1 girl, 3d cartoon, 3d, cartoon realism, realistic, realism, smiling , (21 years old), melanated female, brown skin, darker skin, black American chocolate skin, chocolate girl, milk chocolate skin, brown skin and cheek freckles, edges, type 4 hair, curly hair, medium hair, boxy triangle face, break girl, square head, square face, square forehead, boxy head, slim chin, petite plump lips, rosey cheeks with freckles, realism, v-neck shirt, cleavage cutout, cleavage, B cup size, small breast, medium density, short hair, square chin, long head, long face, slinder face, petite face, slim face, sunken in cheeks, profound jaw line, line in jaw, structured jaw, deep Jaw line, defined jaw line, cheekbones, feminine face, perfect smile, straight teeth, brown on brown hair, quirky, dimples, innocent, feminine, soft, facial freckles, freckles on face, whimsical, young, vibrant, adorable, slender/petite body shape, normal size head, head that fits body, high quality, masterpiece ,3D

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