Girl fire series / Serie chica de fuego.

{{A ((mesmerizing and terrifying)) depiction of {((a beautiful demoness, the undisputed Queen of Hell))}} with {((crimson eyes glowing with sinister allure, long ebony hair shimmering like liquid night, and flawless molten gold skin))}. She is {((clad in armor fashioned from dragon scales and infernal metals, exuding absolute power and dominion))}. This is a {((dark fantasy))}-inspired image that showcases {((her regal and fearsome presence as she sits on her throne))}. The environment/background should be {((the infernal depths of Hell, with rivers of molten lava carving through jagged obsidian landscapes))} to create an {((intense and oppressive atmosphere))}. The image should be in the style of a {((digital painting))}, incorporating elements of {((gothic art and epic fantasy illustration))}. The {((long shot))} captured with a {((wide angle))} lens will provide a {((grand and imposing perspective))}. The lighting should be {((dramatic and high contrast))}, emphasizing {((the glow of her skin and the embers of the damned souls on her throne))}. The desired level of detail is {((very high))} with a {((4K))} resolution, highlighting {((the intricate details of her armor, throne, and the hellish landscape))}. The goal is to create a {((captivating and powerful))} image that mesmerizes viewers with its {((dark beauty and overwhelming presence))}.

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