Clean Cartoon-brushstrokes Painting, crisp, simple, colored_lineart_illustration style, 1 woman, (21 years old), real, realistic, realism, melanated female, brown skin, dark skin, cinnamon brown skin, black girl, type 4 hair, dark brown hair, brown on brown hair, curly hair, short hair, almond shaped eyes, small eyes, more feminine mouth, v shaped chin, jaw line, tiny mouth, small mouth, feminine mouth, petite mouth, v shaped smile, smiling, little teeth, small teeth, skinny teeth, over bite, plump lips, B lips, butterfly lips, dentist background, beautiful, quirky, dimples, feminine, soft, whimsical, happy, young, vibrant, adorable, slender/petite body shape, normal size head, head that fits body, high quality, masterpiece ,3D

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