A young girl lies serenely in a lush green meadow, her contemplative expression a window to her inner world. Raindrops glisten on her face, as the heavy downpour transforms the landscape into a mystical dreamscape reminiscent of Studio Ghibli's whimsical worlds. From a low angle, the camera gazes up at her, emphasizing her vulnerability and the surreal atmosphere. The vibrant colors of the meadow's wildflowers and the girl's sodden clothing pop against the gray skies, imbuing the scene with an otherworldly charm.

A young girl lies serenely in a lush green meadow, her contemplative expression a window to her inner world. Raindrops glisten on her face, as the heavy downpour transforms the landscape into a mystical dreamscape reminiscent of Studio Ghibli's whimsical worlds. From a low angle, the camera gazes up at her, emphasizing her vulnerability and the surreal atmosphere. The vibrant colors of the meadow's wildflowers and the girl's sodden clothing pop against the gray skies, imbuing the scene with an otherworldly charm.

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