goku ssj 4

A formidable-looking Saiyan, with his characteristic black, spiky hair standing upright, is on the soccer field, proudly wearing the yellow jersey of the Colombian national team. His figure is athletic and muscular, reflecting the incredible strength and agility typical of his race.
His face has a determined and focused expression. His dark eyes shine brightly, reflecting his passion for the game and his fighting spirit. There is a slight smile of satisfaction on his face as he moves around the field, knowing that he has the skills to excel in any challenge he faces.
Colombia's jersey, vibrant yellow with blue and red details, fits perfectly around his muscular torso, highlighting his powerful physical build. On the back of the shirt, you can see the number 10, a nod to the great players in the history of Colombian soccer. He wears white shorts and red socks, completing the uniform. On his feet, he sports black soccer shoes with gold details that shine in the sun.

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