A whimsical illustration of a girl with brown hair and striking green eyes, flashing a radiant smile as she locks lips with a boy in a bold, red background. Her bare shoulders gleam under soft lighting, adorned with delicate jewelry. The flat vector art style gives the scene a stylized, graphic quality, while the Eve3D-like elements add a touch of depth and dimensionality. The nod to nodf_lora suggests a subtle, ethereal atmosphere, perfect for capturing the tender moment as the couple shares a kiss amidst the vibrant red hues.

A whimsical illustration of a girl with brown hair and striking green eyes, flashing a radiant smile as she locks lips with a boy in a bold, red background. Her bare shoulders gleam under soft lighting, adorned with delicate jewelry. The flat vector art style gives the scene a stylized, graphic quality, while the Eve3D-like elements add a touch of depth and dimensionality. The nod to nodf_lora suggests a subtle, ethereal atmosphere, perfect for capturing the tender moment as the couple shares a kiss amidst the vibrant red hues.

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