Beautiful and delicate watercolor painting, Warhammer fantasy style Create an image in full length of an anthropomorphic Scaven-assasin with a bloody mouth. Add dark assasin mask with reflective lenses to give it a human touch, distressed leather assasin armor and warhammer fantasy basemen background all adorned with intricate patterns and decorations, a masterpiece of craftsmanship.,Handsome boy,abmhandsomeguy,zavy-lndskncht

Beautiful and delicate watercolor painting, Warhammer fantasy style Create an image in full length of an anthropomorphic Scaven-assasin with a bloody mouth. Add dark assasin mask with reflective lenses to give it a human touch, distressed leather assasin armor and warhammer fantasy basemen background all adorned with intricate patterns and decorations, a masterpiece of craftsmanship.,Handsome boy,abmhandsomeguy,zavy-lndskncht

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