My main MtA/M20 characters. Basically a bunch of made scientists.

photorealistic,movie still, film still,cinematic, cinematic shot,cinematic lighting,macro shot,35mm film,Rembrandt Lighting Style,DsktneXL,DonML34fXL,Vanessa,biopunk style, (((biotech))), (((mad scientist vibe))),  (((magic acupuncture))),cybr-xl, 

A cinematic photo of a in a dimly lit laboratory, illuminated by bioluminescent plants and mushrooms hanging from cracks of the walls, ancient Chinese texts, ancient artifacts, high tech biotechnology equipment, vials with glowy liquids, weird animal specimens in formol,
 a cute skinny 26 years old Philippine-Mexican biochemist and magic acupuncturist, long, flowing dark hair, braids woven with herbal charms, deep brown eyes, with green flecks, flat chested, dark skin,
Wearing Draped, off-the-shoulder blouse in soft, organic cotton, with a subtle holographic sheen that changes with movement, Wide-legged, ankle-length skirt made from layered, semi-transparent fabrics with embedded micro-fibers that glow softly in dim light, Leather belt with pouches containing acupuncture needles and small biotech devices, multiple Beaded bracelets, multiple breaded necklaces with charms that combine herbal and technological elements, multiple rings,
 performing accupuncture (((on a dog-sized, translucent frog))) glows softly, its skin illuminated by thin, glowing acupuncture needles inserted into its meridian points, a computer screen monitoring bio-energetic feedback, 
dark mysterious ambiance, low ambient lighting, energy flows through the acupuncture needles into the frog,

tranzp,boho_chic,DonShr00mXL ,biopunk

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