A desolate landscape unfolds under the moon's pale glow, where a lone cart lumbers across the dark and eerie terrain. The cart's wooden frame is adorned with a macabre skeletal outline, eerily reminiscent of the oxen that once harnessed its power. The skeletal remains appear as ghostly impressions on the ground, starkly contrasting with the surrounding blackness, evoking an unsettling atmosphere of isolation and foreboding.

A desolate landscape unfolds under the moon's pale glow, where a lone cart lumbers across the dark and eerie terrain. The cart's wooden frame is adorned with a macabre skeletal outline, eerily reminiscent of the oxen that once harnessed its power. The skeletal remains appear as ghostly impressions on the ground, starkly contrasting with the surrounding blackness, evoking an unsettling atmosphere of isolation and foreboding.

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