The desolate landscape of Earth is portrayed with crumbling buildings, shattered roads, and a pale sky filled with swirling dust. Amidst the ruins of the city, Supergirl emerges, soaring through the air. Her graceful form contrasts starkly with the devastation surrounding her, radiating strength and determination even in the darkness, Her face is marked by a resolute expression, and her eyes shine with unwavering determination and hope. Supergirl's cape billows behind her, a symbol of her resilience and indomitable spirit. In her hand, she wields a shimmering energy construct, a manifestation of her power to rebuild and restore, Supergirl tirelessly works to heal the wounds of Earth, her presence a beacon of hope and renewal in the midst of destruction. She symbolizes the promise of a brighter tomorrow, inspiring others to rise above adversity and strive for a better future.

The desolate landscape of Earth is portrayed with crumbling buildings, shattered roads, and a pale sky filled with swirling dust. Amidst the ruins of the city, Supergirl emerges, soaring through the air. Her graceful form contrasts starkly with the devastation surrounding her, radiating strength and determination even in the darkness,

Her face is marked by a resolute expression, and her eyes shine with unwavering determination and hope. Supergirl's cape billows behind her, a symbol of her resilience and indomitable spirit. In her hand, she wields a shimmering energy construct, a manifestation of her power to rebuild and restore,

Supergirl tirelessly works to heal the wounds of Earth, her presence a beacon of hope and renewal in the midst of destruction. She symbolizes the promise of a brighter tomorrow, inspiring others to rise above adversity and strive for a better future.

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