A goth princess stands in a dimly lit, abandoned courtyard, shrouded in mystery. Faded stone walls and crumbling archways provide the backdrop for her striking features. Her piercing, sharp eyes seem to hold a thousand secrets as she gazes into the distance. In the muted colors of a forgotten era, every detail is meticulously rendered: intricate lace adorns her raven hair, and her skin bears the subtle glow of a moonlit night. The composition masterfully employs depth of field, drawing attention to her enigmatic presence.

A goth princess stands in a dimly lit, abandoned courtyard, shrouded in mystery. Faded stone walls and crumbling archways provide the backdrop for her striking features. Her piercing, sharp eyes seem to hold a thousand secrets as she gazes into the distance. In the muted colors of a forgotten era, every detail is meticulously rendered: intricate lace adorns her raven hair, and her skin bears the subtle glow of a moonlit night. The composition masterfully employs depth of field, drawing attention to her enigmatic presence.

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