In a dimly lit, twilight realm, a procession of Tindalos Hounds emerges from the shadows, their elongated bodies writhing like living darkness. The creatures' coal-black skin glistens with intricate silver filaments, pulsating with otherworldly energy as they converge. Sharp proboscises quiver, poised to siphon essence from hapless prey amidst an oppressive atmosphere of ancient malevolence. In the background, a maelstrom of dark colors and shadows swirls, drawing all into its abyssal void. The Tindalos Hounds' ethereal forms shimmer, their twisted bodies defying natural order. Glowing eyes burn with malevolent intelligence, as if witnessing eons of horrors and reveling in inspired terror. The image is bathed in a sickly greenish hue, tainted by the hounds' presence.

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