
extra shiny gummy jello glazed glossy playful whimsical shimmering glittering ultra-glossy high-gloss gel clear transparent portal swirling over SILHOUETTED HEART IMPLODING EXPLODING CRYSTAL VOLCANIC MADE OF COLORED SHADOWS glowing outline CONTRASTED SHARPLY OVER BACKGROUND OF (((glowing flowing strands of (((luminescent Fibonacci sequences))) overlapping in cybernetic glittery binary code))) and (((electric lace florescent blooming roses))) and (((glossy lips kisses shiny high-gloss red black gold green lightblue volcanic bursts of love))) in an (((impromptu symphonic celestial ethereal heavenly orchestra))) 99999999K ULTRA HD insanely-detailed uplifting mesmerizing captivating image heart-moving exciting hyperrealistic magical realism harmonious inspiring calming empowering moving fantastical joyful photorealistic sublime semi-surrealistic semi-cinematic

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