In a majestic, high-angle shot against a starry night sky, the Emperor of Mankind stands tall, his superhuman physique radiating an aura of authority. The holy prophet-like figure wears glowing golden Space Marine armor that seems to absorb and reflect the celestial light. His black hair flows like a cloak down his back, accentuating his regal presence. In Ultra-High Definition, every detail is rendered with precision: the subtle sheen on his armor, the wispy curls of his hair, and the piercing gaze that commands the attention of all who behold him.,Xxmix_Catecat,DonMM1y4XL

In a majestic, high-angle shot against a starry night sky, the Emperor of Mankind stands tall, his superhuman physique radiating an aura of authority. The holy prophet-like figure wears glowing golden Space Marine armor that seems to absorb and reflect the celestial light. His black hair flows like a cloak down his back, accentuating his regal presence. In Ultra-High Definition, every detail is rendered with precision: the subtle sheen on his armor, the wispy curls of his hair, and the piercing gaze that commands the attention of all who behold him.,Xxmix_Catecat,DonMM1y4XL

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