(photorealistic:1.4), A striking, otherworldly creature that seems to defy any known classification. Its body is crafted from polished burgundy metal, smooth and reflective like a fine piece of jewelry. The creature's most striking feature, however, is its female human-like face, with delicate features, almond-shaped eyes, and full lips that seem to perpetually curl into a subtle, enigmatic smile. Her skin is an iridescent shade of deep blue, almost like that of an underwater creature, and her long, flowing hair cascades down her back in a waterfall of dark tendrils. Her head is topped with an intricate headdress adorned with glowing crystals and delicate filigree, adding an air of royalty to her already regal bearing. Her body is adorned with intricate, moving parts that resemble mechanical limbs, each ending in delicate metal fingers or tentacles. The robotic nature of her form is further emphasized by the way she seems to float effortlessly above the ground, her movements fluid and graceful despite the obvious artificiality of her construction. She stands in a dimly lit chamber, the light reflecting off of her polished metal surface, casting an otherworldly glow around her.,futuristic alien

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