(a Dream Castle on the back of a pink majestic whale) floating above the clouds of sky, dream castle, pink majestic whale,(best quality,4k,8k,highres,masterpiece:1.2),ultra-detailed, ethereal, dreamlike, surreal, with a touch of magic, vibrant colors, soft and delicate, blending seamlessly into the clouds, with a serene and tranquil expression, surrounded by a mystical aura, glowing softly, reflecting the sunlight, creating a breathtaking scene

(a Dream Castle on the back of  a pink majestic whale) floating above the clouds of sky, dream castle, pink majestic whale,(best quality,4k,8k,highres,masterpiece:1.2),ultra-detailed, ethereal, dreamlike, surreal, with a touch of magic, vibrant colors, soft and delicate, blending seamlessly into the clouds, with a serene and tranquil expression, surrounded by a mystical aura, glowing softly, reflecting the sunlight, creating a breathtaking scene

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