A strikingly beautiful yet hardened photojournalist, her delicate features framed by windswept locks escaping her helmet. Though smudged with dust and grime, her piercing eyes burn with determination behind the camera lens. Her protective vest and fatigues cannot conceal her lithe, feminine figure as she crouches in the rubble. All around explosive chaos erupts - soldiers charging through clouds of smoke, buildings ablaze, civilians fleeing in terror. But she remains steadfastly focused, fearlessly documenting the brutal reality. Use dramatic lighting, vivid colors, and a sense of frenetic motion to convey the juxtaposition of her beauty among the ugliness of war. Incorporate iconic scenes like the raising of a flag over conquered territory or a young child's face streaked with tears. , photorealistic:1.3, best quality, masterpiece,MikieHara,

A strikingly beautiful yet hardened photojournalist, her delicate features framed by windswept locks escaping her helmet. Though smudged with dust and grime, her piercing eyes burn with determination behind the camera lens. Her protective vest and fatigues cannot conceal her lithe, feminine figure as she crouches in the rubble.
All around explosive chaos erupts - soldiers charging through clouds of smoke, buildings ablaze, civilians fleeing in terror. But she remains steadfastly focused, fearlessly documenting the brutal reality. Use dramatic lighting, vivid colors, and a sense of frenetic motion to convey the juxtaposition of her beauty among the ugliness of war. Incorporate iconic scenes like the raising of a flag over conquered territory or a young child's face streaked with tears.
, photorealistic:1.3, best quality, masterpiece,MikieHara,



A strikingly beautiful yet hardened photojournalist, her delicate features framed by windswept locks escaping her helmet. Though smudged with dust and grime, her piercing eyes burn with determination behind the camera lens. Her protective vest and fatigues cannot conceal her lithe, feminine figure as she crouches in the rubble. All around explosive chaos erupts - soldiers charging through clouds of smoke, buildings ablaze, civilians fleeing in terror. But she remains steadfastly focused, fearlessly documenting the brutal reality. Use dramatic lighting, vivid colors, and a sense of frenetic motion to convey the juxtaposition of her beauty among the ugliness of war. Incorporate iconic scenes like the raising of a flag over conquered territory or a young child's face streaked with tears. , photorealistic:1.3, best quality, masterpiece,MikieHara,

Negative Prompt

(worst quality, low quality, illustration, 3d, 2d, painting, sketch, cartoons, watermark, bad face, bad eyes, bad hands, bad legs, bad fingers, bad teeth, bad foots, bad toes, opened mouth),


DPM++ SDE Karras



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