surrealistic artwork featuring a serene woman's face with closed eyes, seamlessly blended in to a lush forest landscape, VIVID, RAINBOW COLORED SPIRALS ADORN her face, a radiant, fan like spread of color forms backdrop, revealing structures and CASCADING WATERFALL, SET AGAINST a vibrant sky transitioning from sunrise to night, the entire scene is framed by over hanging branches, 3D, hyper realistic and sharp, heavily detailed.

surrealistic artwork featuring a serene woman's face with closed eyes, seamlessly blended in to a lush forest landscape, VIVID, RAINBOW COLORED SPIRALS ADORN her face, a radiant, fan like spread of color  forms backdrop, revealing structures and CASCADING WATERFALL, SET AGAINST a vibrant sky transitioning from sunrise to night, the entire scene is framed by over hanging branches, 3D, hyper realistic and sharp, heavily detailed.



surrealistic artwork featuring a serene woman's face with closed eyes, seamlessly blended in to a lush forest landscape, VIVID, RAINBOW COLORED SPIRALS ADORN her face, a radiant, fan like spread of color forms backdrop, revealing structures and CASCADING WATERFALL, SET AGAINST a vibrant sky transitioning from sunrise to night, the entire scene is framed by over hanging branches, 3D, hyper realistic and sharp, heavily detailed.

Negative Prompt

EasyNegative, no extra body parts


Euler a



CFG Scale




Clip Skip




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Remix and post it, and it will appear here.