To incorporate the additional details into your digital art prompt of a fresh and beautiful Japanese girl on a grassy field, consider the following: Picture an enchanting Japanese girl with a gentle demeanor walking upon a verdant meadow, her steps light and carefree. The backdrop to this serene scene is a meandering river that reflects the hues of the sky above. Spanning the river behind her is a classic Japanese railway bridge, its sturdy structure crafted with traditional architectural elegance. The peaceful rumble of a distant train crossing aligns harmoniously with the natural setting. The morning sun illuminates the scene, casting a spell of early daylight serenity and enhancing the girl's youthful beauty with a soft radiance.

To incorporate the additional details into your digital art prompt of a fresh and beautiful Japanese girl on a grassy field, consider the following:

Picture an enchanting Japanese girl with a gentle demeanor walking upon a verdant meadow, her steps light and carefree. The backdrop to this serene scene is a meandering river that reflects the hues of the sky above. Spanning the river behind her is a classic Japanese railway bridge, its sturdy structure crafted with traditional architectural elegance. The peaceful rumble of a distant train crossing aligns harmoniously with the natural setting. The morning sun illuminates the scene, casting a spell of early daylight serenity and enhancing the girl's youthful beauty with a soft radiance.



To incorporate the additional details into your digital art prompt of a fresh and beautiful Japanese girl on a grassy field, consider the following: Picture an enchanting Japanese girl with a gentle demeanor walking upon a verdant meadow, her steps light and carefree. The backdrop to this serene scene is a meandering river that reflects the hues of the sky above. Spanning the river behind her is a classic Japanese railway bridge, its sturdy structure crafted with traditional architectural elegance. The peaceful rumble of a distant train crossing aligns harmoniously with the natural setting. The morning sun illuminates the scene, casting a spell of early daylight serenity and enhancing the girl's youthful beauty with a soft radiance.

Negative Prompt

(worst quality, low quality, illustration, 3d, 2d, painting, cartoons, sketch, watermark, bad eyes, bad hands, bad legs, bad fingers, bad teeth, bad foots, bad toes)


DPM++ SDE Karras



CFG Scale




Clip Skip




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