In the midst of a ruined moon city, a Zaku Patrol unit struggles to maintain its composure amidst the floods and overgrown vegetation. The full mech's armor is visibly battered and broken, but it holds onto its trusty futuristic Tomson gun with determination. The Russian tech aesthetic is palpable in every detail of the machine. As it plows through the knee-deep water, its movements are labored and slow. Its left arm is dangling limply, the joints no longer functioning properly. The Zaku's eyes are fixed on a target in the distance, unaware of the plant tendrils that are starting to creep up onto its back and shoulders. The moon city's crumbling buildings loom large around them, their once proud structures now reduced to mere rubble and debris. The air is thick with an eerie silence, broken only by the occasional gurgle of water or the rustle of leaves. The Zaku's gun hand trembles slightly as it readies itself for action, the barrel of the weapon pointing determinedly towards the horizon.

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