a cute korean large-eyed girl, bangs, long wavy hair, manga style, Full body of a realistic sweetness baby girl in winter, with two braids in her long black blonde hair, She is playing in an enchanted winter magic garden. pink colors, pink coat and hat, octane rendering, ray tracing, 3d rendering, masterpiece, best Quality, Tyndall effect, good composition, highly details,

a cute korean large-eyed girl, bangs, long wavy hair, manga style, 
Full body of a realistic sweetness baby girl in winter, with two braids in her long black blonde hair, She is playing in an enchanted winter magic garden. pink colors, pink coat and hat, 
octane rendering, ray tracing, 3d rendering, masterpiece, best Quality, Tyndall effect, good composition, highly details,
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a cute korean large-eyed girl, bangs, long wavy hair, manga style, Full body of a realistic sweetness baby girl in winter, with two braids in her long black blonde hair, She is playing in an enchanted winter magic garden. pink colors, pink coat and hat, octane rendering, ray tracing, 3d rendering, masterpiece, best Quality, Tyndall effect, good composition, highly details,

Negative Prompt

EasynegativeV2, Long face, big face, bulging face, square face, an adult face, broad cheeks, Small eyes, round eyes, asia eyes, squinting, different size cornea, small breast, dull skin, an elongated body, an extended body, thin body, a strange body length, an incongruous body proportion, idiotic body, (deformed, distorted, disfigured:1.3), poorly drawn, bad anatomy, wrong anatomy, extra limb, missing limb, floating limbs, (mutated hands and fingers:1.4), doubled hand, overlaided hand, Anatomy of the Bad Hand, index finger, ring finger, doubled finger, severed finger, missing fingers, overlaided finger, an added finger, ugly hands, ugly finger, disconnected limbs, additional limbs, mutation, mutated, ugly, disgusting, blurry, amputation, missing any body part, chassis amorphous eyes, strange leg length, strange thigh length, low quality, ugly body, deformed, noisy, distorted, grainy, doubled, cloned, poorly drawn hands, worst quality, normal quality, low resolution, low-res, low quality


DPM++ 2M SDE Karras



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