Emberlyn Coalhaven, a 14-year-old hobo walking the rails, with mottled strawberry blonde hair, honey amber hooded eyes, heart-shaped face, snow-tanned and sunburned skin with freckles, wearing a pastel yellow wool jacket, black sweater, pink and white wool scarf, pastel yellow plaid dress, copper and silver locket, thick wool socks, waterproof boots, metal leg brace, handmade bola, woven sling, and thick wool mittens, with coal powder makeup, carrying a black shillelagh and an iron and leather leg brace.,cartoon

Emberlyn Coalhaven, a 14-year-old hobo walking the rails, with mottled strawberry blonde hair, honey amber hooded eyes, heart-shaped face, snow-tanned and sunburned skin with freckles, wearing a pastel yellow wool jacket, black sweater, pink and white wool scarf, pastel yellow plaid dress, copper and silver locket, thick wool socks, waterproof boots, metal leg brace, handmade bola, woven sling, and thick wool mittens, with coal powder makeup, carrying a black shillelagh and an iron and leather leg brace.,cartoon

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