A visually striking image of a hybrid reptile and human, anthropomorphic in a snowy background, seamlessly blending scales and skin with piercing eyes that reflect the soul of both worlds. This creature stands majestically, draped in a cloak made of woven frost, its breath visible in the cold air, surrounded by a pristine, untouched snowscape that sparkles under the moonlight. The scene is imbued with a sense of mystery and awe, captured through the lens of a Nikon D850 at a low angle to emphasize the imposing stature of the hybrid against the vast, silent winter night. The composition focuses on the fusion of natural and fantastical elements, suggesting an untold story of survival and adaptation, with a setting that feels both alien and familiar --ar 4:5 --s 230

A visually striking image of a hybrid reptile and human, anthropomorphic in a snowy background, seamlessly blending scales and skin with piercing eyes that reflect the soul of both worlds. This creature stands majestically, draped in a cloak made of woven frost, its breath visible in the cold air, surrounded by a pristine, untouched snowscape that sparkles under the moonlight. The scene is imbued with a sense of mystery and awe, captured through the lens of a Nikon D850 at a low angle to emphasize the imposing stature of the hybrid against the vast, silent winter night. The composition focuses on the fusion of natural and fantastical elements, suggesting an untold story of survival and adaptation, with a setting that feels both alien and familiar --ar 4:5 --s 230



A visually striking image of a hybrid reptile and human, anthropomorphic in a snowy background, seamlessly blending scales and skin with piercing eyes that reflect the soul of both worlds. This creature stands majestically, draped in a cloak made of woven frost, its breath visible in the cold air, surrounded by a pristine, untouched snowscape that sparkles under the moonlight. The scene is imbued with a sense of mystery and awe, captured through the lens of a Nikon D850 at a low angle to emphasize the imposing stature of the hybrid against the vast, silent winter night. The composition focuses on the fusion of natural and fantastical elements, suggesting an untold story of survival and adaptation, with a setting that feels both alien and familiar --ar 4:5 --s 230

Negative Prompt

EasyNegative, dark skin, mislocated eyes, blind eyes, messed up eyes, eyes not straight, close up, face shot, open mouth, clothes, portrait, cartoon style, not realistic, mislocated arms,multiple faces, multiple heads, out of frame, extra fingers, mutated hands, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, mutation, deformed, ugly, blurry, bad anatomy, bad proportions, extra limbs, cloned face, disfigured, out of frame, ugly, extra limbs, bad anatomy, gross proportions, malformed limbs, missing arms, missing legs, extra arms, extra legs, mutated hands, fused fingers, too many fingers, long neck, deformed, ugly, disfigured, blurry, pixelated, hideous, indistinct, old, twisted, contorted, malformed, extra hands, extra arms, joined misshapen, collage, grainy, low, poor, monochrome, huge, out of frame, extra fingers, mutated hands, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn face, mutation, deformed, ugly, blurry, bad anatomy, bad proportions, extra limbs, cloned face, disfigured, out of frame, gross proportions, jewellery,


Euler a



CFG Scale




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