The image features a woman standing amidst a vibrant display of autumn foliage. She is dressed in a bright green jacket, which contrasts with the red and yellow leaves surrounding her. Her hair is styled in loose waves that fall over her shoulders. A black belt cinches her jacket at the waist, adding a touch of elegance to her outfit. ,photorealistic:1.3, best quality, masterpiece,MikieHara

The image features a woman standing amidst a vibrant display of autumn foliage. She is dressed in a bright green jacket, which contrasts with the red and yellow leaves surrounding her. Her hair is styled in loose waves that fall over her shoulders. A black belt cinches her jacket at the waist, adding a touch of elegance to her outfit.
,photorealistic:1.3, best quality, masterpiece,MikieHara



The image features a woman standing amidst a vibrant display of autumn foliage. She is dressed in a bright green jacket, which contrasts with the red and yellow leaves surrounding her. Her hair is styled in loose waves that fall over her shoulders. A black belt cinches her jacket at the waist, adding a touch of elegance to her outfit. ,photorealistic:1.3, best quality, masterpiece,MikieHara

Negative Prompt

(worst quality, low quality, illustration, 3d, 2d, painting, cartoons, sketch, watermark, bad face, bad eyes, bad hands, bad legs, bad fingers, bad teeth, bad foots, bad toes, open mouth),


DPM++ SDE Karras



CFG Scale




Clip Skip




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