(In the mesmerizing digital painting, a mysteriously vibrant and ethereal essence of melancholy unveils itself. The main subject, born from the fusion of ghostly spectres and pixelated glitches, exudes a haunting beauty that tugs at the emotions. This captivating artwork, a masterful creation with intricate details, showcases an otherworldly abyss of sorrow and longing. Swirls of surreal colors cascade gracefully, highlighting the immaculate craftsmanship and expertly blended textures. Each brushstroke perfectly captures the essence of this supernatural abstraction, leaving the viewer mesmerized by its depth and profound emotional resonance.), Detailed Textures, high quality, high resolution, high Accuracy, realism, color correction, Proper lighting settings, harmonious composition, Behance works,shards,glass,DonM3l3m3nt4lXL

(In the mesmerizing digital painting, a mysteriously vibrant and ethereal essence of melancholy unveils itself. The main subject, born from the fusion of ghostly spectres and pixelated glitches, exudes a haunting beauty that tugs at the emotions. This captivating artwork, a masterful creation with intricate details, showcases an otherworldly abyss of sorrow and longing. Swirls of surreal colors cascade gracefully, highlighting the immaculate craftsmanship and expertly blended textures. Each brushstroke perfectly captures the essence of this supernatural abstraction, leaving the viewer mesmerized by its depth and profound emotional resonance.), Detailed Textures, high quality, high resolution, high Accuracy, realism, color correction, Proper lighting settings, harmonious composition, Behance works,shards,glass,DonM3l3m3nt4lXL
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(In the mesmerizing digital painting, a mysteriously vibrant and ethereal essence of melancholy unveils itself. The main subject, born from the fusion of ghostly spectres and pixelated glitches, exudes a haunting beauty that tugs at the emotions. This captivating artwork, a masterful creation with intricate details, showcases an otherworldly abyss of sorrow and longing. Swirls of surreal colors cascade gracefully, highlighting the immaculate craftsmanship and expertly blended textures. Each brushstroke perfectly captures the essence of this supernatural abstraction, leaving the viewer mesmerized by its depth and profound emotional resonance.), Detailed Textures, high quality, high resolution, high Accuracy, realism, color correction, Proper lighting settings, harmonious composition, Behance works,shards,glass,DonM3l3m3nt4lXL

Negative Prompt

negativeXL_D, NSFW, Worst quality:2, low resolution:2, unnaturally long neck, distorted image, unnatural proportions, unnatural shape, unnatural pose, unbalance, split screen, watermark, frame out


DPM++ 2M SDE Karras



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