Masterpiece,wide photo 2:3,autofocus,photorealistic portrait of Illyana Rasputin/Magik, the iconic sorceress from Marvel Comics. Capture her captivating beauty with her green hair long, flowing black hair and piercing emerald green eyes. Showcase her mystical aura with a hint of Limbo's Clad in her signature black leather suit and flowing green cape, she exudes an air of power and confidence. Background: A swirling fireworks vortex of Limbo's dimension, hinting at her connection to the realm. Art style: Realistic, with a touch of comic book flair, capturing the essence of her heroic persona. Additional details: Age: Young adult, in her late teens or early twenties. Expression: A mix of determination, confidence, and a hint of inner turmoil. Overall mood: Enigmatic, powerful, and captivating, showcasing Illyana's complex nature,big tits,r1ge

Masterpiece,wide photo 2:3,autofocus,photorealistic portrait of Illyana Rasputin/Magik, the iconic sorceress from Marvel Comics.
Capture her captivating beauty with her green hair long, flowing black hair and piercing emerald green eyes.
Showcase her mystical aura with a hint of Limbo's 
Clad in her signature black leather suit and flowing green cape, she exudes an air of power and confidence.
Background: A swirling fireworks vortex of Limbo's dimension, hinting at her connection to the realm.
Art style: Realistic, with a touch of comic book flair, capturing the essence of her heroic persona.
Additional details:
Age: Young adult, in her late teens or early twenties.
Expression: A mix of determination, confidence, and a hint of inner turmoil.

Overall mood: Enigmatic, powerful, and captivating, showcasing Illyana's complex nature,big tits,r1ge

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