A captivating and surreal cinematic illustration of a woman harmoniously intertwined with vibrant and intricate floral and aquatic elements. She emerges gracefully from a luminous body of water, her hair and body adorned with an array of colorful flowers and marine creatures. The background radiates a warm, radiant orange hue, reminiscent of a setting or rising sun, with swirling patterns and organic shapes that add depth and texture to the scene. The woman's serene expression exudes a sense of unity with her mesmerizing surroundings, creating an atmosphere of mystical and ethereal beauty., 3d render, cinematic, illustration

A captivating and surreal cinematic illustration of a woman harmoniously intertwined with vibrant and intricate floral and aquatic elements. She emerges gracefully from a luminous body of water, her hair and body adorned with an array of colorful flowers and marine creatures. The background radiates a warm, radiant orange hue, reminiscent of a setting or rising sun, with swirling patterns and organic shapes that add depth and texture to the scene. The woman's serene expression exudes a sense of unity with her mesmerizing surroundings, creating an atmosphere of mystical and ethereal beauty., 3d render, cinematic, illustration
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A captivating and surreal cinematic illustration of a woman harmoniously intertwined with vibrant and intricate floral and aquatic elements. She emerges gracefully from a luminous body of water, her hair and body adorned with an array of colorful flowers and marine creatures. The background radiates a warm, radiant orange hue, reminiscent of a setting or rising sun, with swirling patterns and organic shapes that add depth and texture to the scene. The woman's serene expression exudes a sense of unity with her mesmerizing surroundings, creating an atmosphere of mystical and ethereal beauty., 3d render, cinematic, illustration

Negative Prompt

simple background,pubic hair, watermark, logo, text, balls, nuts, tattoos, asian, chinese, japanese, nude, nsfw, text, letters, too many feet, too many fingers, long neck, 2 heads, duplicate, abstract, disfigured, deformed, toy, figure, framed, disfigured, bad art, deformed, poorly drawn, extra limbs, weird colors, 2 heads, elongated body, cropped image, out of frame, draft, deformed hands, twisted fingers, double image, malformed hands, multiple heads, extra limb, ugly, poorly drawn hands, missing limb, cut-off, over satured, grain, lowères, bad anatomy, poorly drawn face, mutation, mutated, floating limbs, disconnected limbs, out of focus, long body, disgusting, extra fingers, groos proportions, missing arms, mutated hands, cloned face, missing legs, too many fingers


DPM++ 2M Karras



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