Epic Fantasy Vision | Hyper SD

(best quality,8K,highres,masterpiece), ultra-detailed, (blue humanoid avatar with bioluminescent markings and pointed elf ears), a mesmerizing blue humanoid avatar exuding an aura of magic and mystique. The avatar's skin is adorned with bioluminescent markings, dots, and patterns that illuminate their body in a mesmerizing display of light. Their pointed elf ears add to their mystical appearance, hinting at their otherworldly nature. Avatar-like hair cascades around their shoulders, with a deep black color that contrasts beautifully against their shimmering, iridescent blue skin. Their eyes sparkle with a glowing blue hue, radiating with a sense of inner power and wisdom. The avatar possesses a warrior-like demeanor, with every detail meticulously rendered to convey strength and determination. This artwork captures the essence of magic and fantasy, inviting the viewer into a world of wonder and enchantment. Feel free to add your own creative touches to enhance the realism and detail of this captivating avatar.
Epic Fantasy Vision | Hyper SD
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(best quality,8K,highres,masterpiece), ultra-detailed, (blue humanoid avatar with bioluminescent markings and pointed elf ears), a mesmerizing blue humanoid avatar exuding an aura of magic and mystique. The avatar's skin is adorned with bioluminescent markings, dots, and patterns that illuminate their body in a mesmerizing display of light. Their pointed elf ears add to their mystical appearance, hinting at their otherworldly nature. Avatar-like hair cascades around their shoulders, with a deep black color that contrasts beautifully against their shimmering, iridescent blue skin. Their eyes sparkle with a glowing blue hue, radiating with a sense of inner power and wisdom. The avatar possesses a warrior-like demeanor, with every detail meticulously rendered to convey strength and determination. This artwork captures the essence of magic and fantasy, inviting the viewer into a world of wonder and enchantment. Feel free to add your own creative touches to enhance the realism and detail of this captivating avatar.

Negative Prompt

long neck, not long neck, giraffe neck, ugly face, cross-eyed, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, lowres, bad anatomy, jpeg artifacts, tilted head, bad hands, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, missing arms, missing legs, extra arms, low details, oversaturated, undersaturated, overexposed, underexposed, bad photo, bad photography, bad art, watermark, signature, text font, username, logo, words, letters, digits, autograph, trademark


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