Best picture quality, high resolution, 8k, realistic, sharp focus, realistic image of elegant lady, Korean beauty, supermodel, pure white hair, blue eyes, wearing high-tech cyberpunk style blue Batgirl suit, radiant Glow, sparkling suit, mecha, perfectly customized high-tech suit, ice theme, custom design, 1 girl,swordup, looking at viewer,JeeSoo

Best picture quality, high resolution, 8k, realistic, sharp focus, realistic image of elegant lady, Korean beauty, supermodel, pure white hair, blue eyes, wearing high-tech cyberpunk style blue Batgirl suit, radiant Glow, sparkling suit, mecha, perfectly customized high-tech suit, ice theme, custom design, 1 girl,swordup, looking at viewer,JeeSoo
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Best picture quality, high resolution, 8k, realistic, sharp focus, realistic image of elegant lady, Korean beauty, supermodel, pure white hair, blue eyes, wearing high-tech cyberpunk style blue Batgirl suit, radiant Glow, sparkling suit, mecha, perfectly customized high-tech suit, ice theme, custom design, 1 girl,swordup, looking at viewer,JeeSoo

Negative Prompt

(worst quality, low quality, normal quality, lowres, low details, oversaturated, undersaturated, overexposed, underexposed, grayscale, bw, bad photo, bad photography, bad art:1.4), (watermark, signature, text font, username, error, logo, words, letters, digits, autograph, trademark, name:1.2), (blur, blurry, grainy), morbid, ugly, asymmetrical, mutated malformed, mutilated, poorly lit, bad shadow, draft, cropped, out of frame, cut off, censored, jpeg artifacts, out of focus, glitch, duplicate, (airbrushed, cartoon, anime, semi-realistic, cgi, render, blender, digital art, manga, amateur:1.3), (3D ,3D Game, 3D Game Scene, 3D Character:1.1), (bad hands, bad anatomy, bad body, bad face, bad teeth, bad arms, bad legs, deformities:1.3)artifacts,signature,watermark,username,blurry,artist name,


DPM++ 2M SDE Karras



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