hyperrealistic art Capturing landscapes Art Inspired by Ancient Civilizations neonpunk style, landscape, river, forest, mountains, summer, cyberpunk, vaporwave, neon, vibes, vibrant, stunningly beautiful, crisp, detailed, sleek, ultramodern, magenta highlights, dark purple shadows, high contrast, cinematic, ultra detailed, intricate, professional, Creating art inspired by ancient civilizations, often for historical interpretation, archeological insights, or cultural reverence., including natural scenery, urban environments, and seascapes. . extremely high-resolution details, photographic, realism pushed to extreme, fine texture, incredibly lifelike in Brooding landscapes, epic scale, German myth, layered symbolic density,DonMC3l3st14l3xpl0r3rsXL

hyperrealistic art Capturing landscapes Art Inspired by Ancient Civilizations neonpunk style, landscape, river, forest, mountains, summer, cyberpunk, vaporwave, neon, vibes, vibrant, stunningly beautiful, crisp, detailed, sleek, ultramodern, magenta highlights, dark purple shadows, high contrast, cinematic, ultra detailed, intricate, professional, Creating art inspired by ancient civilizations, often for historical interpretation, archeological insights, or cultural reverence., including natural scenery, urban environments, and seascapes. . extremely high-resolution details, photographic, realism pushed to extreme, fine texture, incredibly lifelike in Brooding landscapes, epic scale, German myth, layered symbolic density,DonMC3l3st14l3xpl0r3rsXL
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hyperrealistic art Capturing landscapes Art Inspired by Ancient Civilizations neonpunk style, landscape, river, forest, mountains, summer, cyberpunk, vaporwave, neon, vibes, vibrant, stunningly beautiful, crisp, detailed, sleek, ultramodern, magenta highlights, dark purple shadows, high contrast, cinematic, ultra detailed, intricate, professional, Creating art inspired by ancient civilizations, often for historical interpretation, archeological insights, or cultural reverence., including natural scenery, urban environments, and seascapes. . extremely high-resolution details, photographic, realism pushed to extreme, fine texture, incredibly lifelike in Brooding landscapes, epic scale, German myth, layered symbolic density,DonMC3l3st14l3xpl0r3rsXL

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EasyNegative, (normal quality, low quality, worst quality:1.4), jpeg artifacts, (username,watermark,signature,time signature, timestamp, artist name, copyright name, copyright), (loli, child, infant, baby:1.3), (bad anatomy, extra hands, extra legs, extra digits, extra_fingers, wrong finger, inaccurate limb), (African American, African:1.6), (tits, nipple:1.6), (pubic hair:1.6)EasyNegative, (normal quality, low quality, worst quality:1.4), jpeg artifacts, (username,watermark,signature,time signature, timestamp, artist name, copyright name, copyright), (loli, child, infant, baby:1.3), (bad anatomy, extra hands, extra legs, extra digits, extra_fingers, wrong finger, inaccurate limb), (African American, African:1.6), (tits, nipple:1.6), (pubic hair:1.6)


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