Create a portrait of a European woman with a beautiful face and a supermodel figure, showing her grace and temperament on the sidewalk, forming a strong contrast with the huge poster of Godzilla behind her. The huge poster of Godzilla. ((Masterpiece, Best Quality)) ultra high definition pictures, crystal translucency, vibrant artwork Super real, photo style, realistic style, cinematic moviemaker style,Godzilla

Create a portrait of a European woman with a beautiful face and a supermodel figure, showing her grace and temperament on the sidewalk, forming a strong contrast with the huge poster of Godzilla behind her.

The huge poster of Godzilla.

((Masterpiece, Best Quality)) ultra high definition pictures, crystal translucency, vibrant artwork
Super real, photo style, realistic style, cinematic moviemaker style,Godzilla



Create a portrait of a European woman with a beautiful face and a supermodel figure, showing her grace and temperament on the sidewalk, forming a strong contrast with the huge poster of Godzilla behind her. The huge poster of Godzilla. ((Masterpiece, Best Quality)) ultra high definition pictures, crystal translucency, vibrant artwork Super real, photo style, realistic style, cinematic moviemaker style,Godzilla

Negative Prompt

bad hands,Extra fingers, Extra hands, blurry, noisy, unattractive, sloppy, cartoon, painting, illustration, ugly, (worst quality, low quality, normal quality:1.5), low-res, simple background, molten body, malformed body, bad anatomy, muscular, book, child, chibi, teen, busty, ugly face, mutated hands, low res, blurry face,pumped body, athletic body, black and white, text, watermark, artist name, signature,animal,animal ear, watermark,stone statues, metal sculptures, statues,


DPM++ 3M SDE Karras



CFG Scale




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