A princess made entirely of vegetables, her gown a vibrant array of lettuce, carrots, and tomatoes. Her hair, a cascade of curly kale, adorned with a crown of radishes and cucumbers. She stands tall and regal, her eyes bright with the colors of her vegetable kingdom. This vegetable princess radiates freshness and health, a whimsical and unique creation of nature's bounty.

A princess made entirely of vegetables, her gown a vibrant array of lettuce, carrots, and tomatoes. Her hair, a cascade of curly kale, adorned with a crown of radishes and cucumbers. She stands tall and regal, her eyes bright with the colors of her vegetable kingdom. This vegetable princess radiates freshness and health, a whimsical and unique creation of nature's bounty.



A princess made entirely of vegetables, her gown a vibrant array of lettuce, carrots, and tomatoes. Her hair, a cascade of curly kale, adorned with a crown of radishes and cucumbers. She stands tall and regal, her eyes bright with the colors of her vegetable kingdom. This vegetable princess radiates freshness and health, a whimsical and unique creation of nature's bounty.

Negative Prompt

NSFW, negativeXL_D, unaestheticXLv13, Deformed heads, Extra heads, Mutated heads, Malformed heads, Poorly Drawn Face, Malformed Head, Long Neck, Blurred face, Malformed Body, Long Body, Bad Anatomy, Disfigured, Deformed breasts, Extra breasts, Mutated breasts, Malformed breasts, Deformed nipples, Extra nipples, Mutated nipples, Malformed nipples, Mutated Hands And Fingers, Poorly Drawn Hands, Malformed Hands, Extra Limbs, Missing Limbs, Disconnected Limbs, Floating Limbs, Ugly, Mutated, Deformed, Low-Res, Out Of Focus, Logo, Text,


DPM++ 2M Karras



CFG Scale




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