Hyper-detailed painting, Jean-Baptiste Monge style, a gang of cute little kittens gathered in the rain under an single black long raincoat, splash, glittering, cute and adorable, filigree, lights, fluffy, magic, surreal, fantasy, digital art, ultra hd, hyper-realistic illustration, vivid colors, UHD, cinematic perfect light,greg rutkowski

Hyper-detailed  painting, Jean-Baptiste Monge style, a gang of cute little kittens gathered in the rain  under an single black long raincoat, splash, glittering, cute and adorable, filigree, lights, fluffy, magic, surreal, fantasy, digital art, ultra hd, hyper-realistic illustration, vivid colors,  UHD, cinematic perfect light,greg rutkowski
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Hyper-detailed painting, Jean-Baptiste Monge style, a gang of cute little kittens gathered in the rain under an single black long raincoat, splash, glittering, cute and adorable, filigree, lights, fluffy, magic, surreal, fantasy, digital art, ultra hd, hyper-realistic illustration, vivid colors, UHD, cinematic perfect light,greg rutkowski

Negative Prompt

Photo deformed, black and white, realism, disfigured, low contrast, EasyNegativeV2, bad_prompt_version2-neg, ng_deepnegative_v1_75t, deformed, missing limbs, amputated, bad anatomy, malformed eyes, crossed eyes, crosseyed, disfigured, poorly drawn face, mutation, mutated, ugly, disgusting, blurry, watermark, watermarked, oversaturated, doubled face, b&w, black and white, sepia, duplicate image, blur, paintings, sketches, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, normal quality, monochrome, grayscale, bad anatomy, (fat:1.2), tilted head, lowres, bad anatomy, bad hands, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpegartifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, bad feet, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, one woman, four women, no artist signature, no artist watermark,


DPM++ 2M SDE Karras



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