A heartwarming scene in the park, where a young, muscular human man named Alex is enjoying a leisurely walk with his adorable anthropomorphic dog girl, Luna. The nude beauty of Luna's furry form is accentuated by the morning sunlight that bathes her in a warm glow. Her dog-like legs and feet, complete with delicate paws and sharp claws, gracefully navigate the grass beneath her as she moves effortlessly on all fours. Her canine tail sways gently behind her, adding a playful touch to her overall appearance. Alex, dressed casually in a t-shirt and jeans, sports a contented smile on his face as he holds onto Luna's leash, which is attached to a shiny silver collar encircling her neck. The leash allows him to maintain a comfortable distance from her while still keeping her close by his side
 Breasts, Nipples, pussy,Breasts ,bsp,all fours

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