HIGHLY DETAILED, my favorite image of a rude raskal masculine smart manly lad zapping from the top of a building as in a highaction totaljump, epic-rendered manly male soldier fully-clothed handsome masculine person on, reflective sky, solar edge, professional (CRY ENGINE) masterpiece, THE JUMP circular motion blur in background epicres smooth scan, associate press, intelligence is a bless, CGSociety 9, motion art, Nile Dok

HIGHLY DETAILED, my favorite image of a rude raskal masculine smart manly lad zapping from the top of a building as in a highaction totaljump, epic-rendered manly male soldier fully-clothed handsome masculine person on, reflective sky, solar edge, professional (CRY ENGINE) masterpiece, THE JUMP circular motion blur in background epicres smooth scan, associate press, intelligence is a bless, CGSociety 9, motion art, Nile Dok



HIGHLY DETAILED, my favorite image of a rude raskal masculine smart manly lad zapping from the top of a building as in a highaction totaljump, epic-rendered manly male soldier fully-clothed handsome masculine person on, reflective sky, solar edge, professional (CRY ENGINE) masterpiece, THE JUMP circular motion blur in background epicres smooth scan, associate press, intelligence is a bless, CGSociety 9, motion art, Nile Dok

Negative Prompt

out of frame, ugly. contorted deformed composition, jpeg artifacts, noisy, jagged, pixeled, lowres, dull, boring, bland, morbid, malformed, asymmetric, twisted or crossed or skewed eyes as in meme,





CFG Scale




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