Nice try SD3. I mean, yes they are short, but not that short. Prompt: a slope of rough terrain with rocks and bushes scattered throughout, middle earth, many dwarf warriors are well camouflaged behind rocks and brown scrub brush, every dwarf is partly obscured by the environment and further hidden by armor and beards that blend well with the background, they are all looking at the camera Neg: clearly visible dwarf, blurry, no dwarves visible, contrast between dwarf clothing or armor making them stand out

Nice try SD3. I mean, yes they are short, but not that short. Prompt: a slope of rough terrain with rocks and bushes scattered throughout, middle earth, many dwarf warriors are well camouflaged behind rocks and brown scrub brush, every dwarf is partly obscured by the environment and further hidden by armor and beards that blend well with the background, they are all looking at the camera Neg: clearly visible dwarf, blurry, no dwarves visible, contrast between dwarf clothing or armor making them stand out
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a slope of rough terrain with rocks and bushes scattered throughout, many dwarves are well disquised but visible with careful inspection, they are all looking at the camera, many dwarves nearly camoflaged into the environment

Negative Prompt

clearly visible dwarf, blurry, no dwarves visible





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