highres, Ultra HD, ((close-up)),(( tropical Bunker background) ),,((strong beautiful colours)),ultra detailed,((a female hero in a heavy michancal costume, michancal chest )),cinematic poster, , musculer, biceps, masculine wearing headphones,black hair ,wearing ,military heavy white mecha armour , big mecha hands, musculer, yellow and black heavy armour glowing sunglasses , megestic ,, , front , (tan_skin ) , , , battle armour, ,, ,a sci-fi ocean background,,front, the the background is a high-tech lighting scene of a Bunker,on vacation in a remote tropical island , , sci-fi, futeristic, ,

highres, Ultra HD, ((close-up)),(( tropical Bunker background) ),,((strong beautiful colours)),ultra detailed,((a female hero in a heavy michancal costume, michancal chest )),cinematic poster, , musculer, biceps, masculine wearing headphones,black hair ,wearing ,military heavy white mecha armour ,  big  mecha hands, musculer, yellow and black heavy armour glowing sunglasses , megestic ,,  , front   , (tan_skin )  ,  ,  ,  battle armour,  ,,  ,a sci-fi ocean background,,front,  the the background is a high-tech lighting scene of a Bunker,on vacation in a remote tropical island  ,     , sci-fi, futeristic, ,

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