scary village 1

(two lolis, (scary appearance, long black hair, battered and disheveled hair), (white eyes, white sclera), ( style of fatal frame),(scenes in a large, run-down and scary traditional Japanese village),(gloomy and dark village),(scary village),(mysterious and supernatural  world), different locations, 
(sexy ghost girls,sensual feminine spirits,sexy naughty vampires,pretty living doll),
teenage girls,dynamic poses,adventures,((daytime scene,daytime,poor lighting,daylight),(cloudy weather),(rainy weather),
gloomy and dark places,dark and scary forest,spooky landscapes,
puddles of water,dust,smoke,fire,steam,fog, mist,(shadowy and dark environments),(terrifying landscapes),outdoor and indoor scenes,terrifying and supernatural aesthetics,
traditional japanese aesthetics,horror aesthetic,perfect lighting,shadows,
sharp focus,centered shot,slide shot, full - shot, full-shot,a wide full shot,in a medium full shot,great contrast, great sharpness, 8k high definition, insanely detailed, intricate, masterpiece, highest, quality, photo-realistic,

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