
full body shot, high quality, 8K Ultra HD, high detailed, Steampunk Time Voyager, Watercolor, wash technique, colorful, blurry, smudge outline, like a fairy tale, The protagonist, a courageous young beautiful woman adorned in a blend of vintage and futuristic attire, Embark on a thrilling journey through time in a steampunk-infused world, where past and future intertwine in perfect unison, This intricate digital art piece captures the essence of a daring time voyager exploring a Victorian-era metropolis with a steampunk twist, stands atop a colossal clock tower adorned with ornate cogs and gears, propelled by precise mechanical propellers, The city's architecture harmoniously blends classic Victorian elegance with intricate steampunk machinery, resulting in a visually captivating juxtaposition, by yukisakura, awesome full color,LinkGirl
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full body shot, high quality, 8K Ultra HD, high detailed, Steampunk Time Voyager, Watercolor, wash technique, colorful, blurry, smudge outline, like a fairy tale, The protagonist, a courageous young beautiful woman adorned in a blend of vintage and futuristic attire, Embark on a thrilling journey through time in a steampunk-infused world, where past and future intertwine in perfect unison, This intricate digital art piece captures the essence of a daring time voyager exploring a Victorian-era metropolis with a steampunk twist, stands atop a colossal clock tower adorned with ornate cogs and gears, propelled by precise mechanical propellers, The city's architecture harmoniously blends classic Victorian elegance with intricate steampunk machinery, resulting in a visually captivating juxtaposition, by yukisakura, awesome full color,LinkGirl

Negative Prompt

EasyNegativeV2, bad_prompt_version2-neg,ng_deepnegative_v1_75t,deformed,missing limbs,amputated,bad anatomy, disfigured, poorly drawn face, mutation, mutated,ugly, disgusting, blurry, watermark, watermarked, oversaturated, doubled face,b&w, black and white, sepia, duplicate image, blur, paintings, sketches, (worst quality:2), (low quality:2), (normal quality:2), lowres, normal quality, monochrome, grayscale, bad anatomy,(fat:1.2),tilted head,lowres,bad anatomy,bad hands, text, error, missing fingers,extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality,jpegartifacts,signature, watermark, username,blurry,bad feet,cropped,worst quality,low quality,normal quality,jpeg artifacts,signature,watermark,


DPM++ 2M SDE Karras



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